Value of Postpartum Support


This weekend was magical for me as a postpartum doula in-training. I attended the workshop of the inspirational, and very special Kathrin Auger. With her expertise, and patience, she taught us the role of the postpartum doula. I truly believe our group of ten women, from all walks of life, were transformed into something we never saw in ourselves. She gave us confidence, and armed us with knowledge. I believe I speak for all, when I say we are forever grateful, and blessed by her presence.

As a part of my DONA certification, I had to write a very short 500-word position paper, and it very easily could’ve been more. Especially with the weekend I just experienced! Please enjoy, and I hope it answers any questions you may have about the role of a postpartum doula.

Value of Postpartum Support

By: Tiffany Dicke

What is the role of a postpartum doula, and how is she important during the postpartum period? A postpartum doula cares for the mother and family during the fourth trimester, up to three months after childbirth. We are there to nurture, educate, assess, and refer if necessary. We assist with breastfeeding support, and adjusting others in the household to the new baby. We may also help with light housework, errands, and meal preparation. More importantly, we are there to be an active listener, and an extra pair of hands. All of this is to be done in a nonmedical, nonjudgmental, and evidence-based approach.

In the days and weeks following the birth of a child, that support can be transformative. Listening to concerns, and answering questions, contributes to their transformation. By validating their choices, and experiences, we are able to completely nurture them.  When they feel nurtured, they in turn can nurture themselves, and their baby. We must also be aware of our influence, and position of power, as not to abuse it. These parents need support that shows we value, and respect them in this vulnerable moment.

The main goal should be to educate the new family with a wealth of information that assists them in making informed decisions. Through role modeling we are able to educate them, without taking on the role of childcare or baby nurse. It gives the parents confidence, and fosters a smooth adjustment into their new roles as parents. While educating them, we are able to reassure them, and give them the tools necessary to be successful upon our departure. This creates a well-rounded family environment, and leaves a long-lasting impression.

While supporting the family, the postpartum doula is also there to assess the family’s transformation, to tailor her services to the needs of the family. By setting clear boundaries and expectations, we can make sure the family is getting the most out of our knowledge. As a postpartum doula, me must also be aware of our limitations, and have an ample resource and referral list available. That will help our clients achieve maximum healing, and health in their postpartum period.

Now more than ever, humans are craving constant contact with one another, yet remaining increasingly isolated. The focus on the family has become more difficult, as financial needs are being met, at the cost of emotional needs. In our fast-paced world, the role of the postpartum doula is becoming more relevant. We allow the family to slow down, and truly relish in their new baby, and the postpartum period. Is there a time in this baby’s life, that bonding will be more necessary? The short answer is no. We must believe that those few short days, weeks, and months will forever have an impact. We will set the tone for these new mothers and fathers, ensuring that they feel prepared to face challenges, and giving them tools to find solutions. Our presence is invaluable, and therefore we as postpartum doulas are invaluable to society.